Our little girl turned two on March 16th. Although we're only a few days into this so-called terrible year it appears to be anything but terrible. We celebrated Malina's birthday all weekend starting with a play group party on Friday with her six best buddies. She shares a birthday with her bff Raleigh, so we combined parties and enjoyed a semi-relaxing breakfast birthday party outside on the patio. On Saturday we had a family bbq with Lynne & Joe, Jason & Kenny, and G'Ma & G'Pa Kuhn. Malina actually woke up on Saturday saying "blow out candles and eat cake." I think she understands this whole birthday thing quite well.
At two years, Malina is a darling little girl who is still quite shy and reserved in social settings but full of energy at home. She is very soft with her toys, friends, and dogs and will likely be an excellent helper when her baby brother arrives. Malina loves to read and to listen to music. We often spend hours reading...and she can "read along" as she has many of her books memorized. She can recite many songs including her ABC's and can count to 15...repetition, repetition, repetition. She can ride a bike but not steer so someone has to run along side her. Potty training is temporarily on hold; she can, but refuses to use her big-girl potty. We'll try a new approach in a couple months.
We keep extremely busy with play dates, story time at nearby libraries, and monthly trips to the zoo. We have grown close to our play group friends and enjoy spending our mornings with them. Malina does surprise us with random tantrums but she is easily distracted, especially by her crazy daddy who is always anxious to play.
Birthday weekend photos:
Malina and Raleigh |
Yummy |
Loves Auntie Lynne |
Going for a ride |
Big Wheels |
Crazy Uncle Joe |