Yesterday marked Malina's three-month "birth day." We are trying to keep up with photos of each month. Here is our family at three months. This blog has really turned into Malina's picture place...it's hard not to share all of her adorable pictures. We are completely enamored with our little one and hope everyone else enjoys seeing her grow through our blog. Not only was yesterday Malina's three-month milestone but she also surprised us by sleeping through the night...she slept for eight consecutive hours, woke for a quick feeding and fell back asleep for four more hours! We have been extremely spoiled with her sleeping habits; She normally sleeps for five to six hours at a time but eight hours was a real shocker. At three months Malina has many talents: she loves to smile, has started to giggle, makes a wonderful pouty face that's hard to resist, rolls over on to her stomach, and is extremely squirmy, something she has most likely inherited from her Dad. She is a joy and we are extremely blessed to have her in our lives.
Here are a few more recent pictures...

On a side note, Brian is still in physical therapy repairing his achilles and Laura is adjusting to life as a stay-at-home Mom (it's glorious!)