It has been over a month since our last post and boy have we been busy! We enjoyed two weeks of family including Grandma and Grandpa Kuhn, Jason and Kenny, and Grandma and Grandpa Ullrich. We have had many celebrations including Malina's baptism and Lynne's 24th birthday. I will share our event pictures in a couple of blog posts but here are a few from the past month.
Malina now eats solid foods (well, mushy solids). She started with rice cereal at about 4 1/2 months and has now moved on to oatmeal and apples. She loves making a mess and we love watching her have fun with this new activity.
Grandma Kuhn shows Malina how to use the ladder as Brian works on hanging our new pictures.
Lynne's 24th birthday celebration! We enjoyed dinner out with Lynne and Joe. What a cute couple!
The girls just lounging...apparently, Grandma and Malina were looking at some other distraction.

We have visited Great Grandma and Grandpa in Sun City West a couple times in the last month. Malina and GGrandpa were having a very intense conversation here.