Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 months old

January 16th marked Malina's tenth month!  It's extremely scary to think that in just two months she will be a year old.  She will always be our little baby.  A few fun facts about Malina ... :)

~ Malina is a butt-scooter:  She scoots around on her bottom using one arm as a row.  Some (the Rebers) have said she looks like a silverback gorilla as she flys from point A to point B.  She is so proficient at butt-scooting that we're sure she'll never crawl.  Just another instance of Malina doing things her way. 

~ She eats a "meat and potatoes" type meal for breakfast because she won't eat meat at any other time during the day.  Her typical breakfast includes a mush of chicken, sweet potatoes, and banana- yum!

~ Malina loves getting dirty outside and prefers to dig in the grass with the doggies.

~ She loves playing with her Daddy, especially when he "chases" her around the house.

~ She is obsessed with playing peek-a-boo

~ Malina has a favorite doll, who is appropriately named "Dolly"

Malina and her Dolly

She can't wait to bounce
Enjoying a Saturday at our neighborhood Chili Festival

Thursday, January 5, 2012

More holiday photos

"Huh, looks a lot like Grandpa."

Grandma and Grandpa Ullrich

Malina and her Daddy

Meeting Uncle Louie for the first time

Silver Bells still does the trick

Riding her train around the house

At Grandma's

Our little family :)
I've just realized we're right in the middle of 4 out of 5 weekends of family!  Might as well post a few holiday pictures before our next group visits.  This weekend Jason and Kenny arrive after spending the week in Vegas!