Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 months old

January 16th marked Malina's tenth month!  It's extremely scary to think that in just two months she will be a year old.  She will always be our little baby.  A few fun facts about Malina ... :)

~ Malina is a butt-scooter:  She scoots around on her bottom using one arm as a row.  Some (the Rebers) have said she looks like a silverback gorilla as she flys from point A to point B.  She is so proficient at butt-scooting that we're sure she'll never crawl.  Just another instance of Malina doing things her way. 

~ She eats a "meat and potatoes" type meal for breakfast because she won't eat meat at any other time during the day.  Her typical breakfast includes a mush of chicken, sweet potatoes, and banana- yum!

~ Malina loves getting dirty outside and prefers to dig in the grass with the doggies.

~ She loves playing with her Daddy, especially when he "chases" her around the house.

~ She is obsessed with playing peek-a-boo

~ Malina has a favorite doll, who is appropriately named "Dolly"

Malina and her Dolly

She can't wait to bounce
Enjoying a Saturday at our neighborhood Chili Festival