Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Wild Child

Malina is now four months old. She has mastered the art of rolling over and sometimes can't stop rolling even when she is flipped back over on to her back. This is very frustrating for her as she doesn't understand how she winds up on her tummy time and again. Malina had her four-month doctor's visit last week and bravely endured three shots to the thigh. The rest of her afternoon was pretty exhausting though. Here are her four-month stats:
Weight: 14.0 pounds (50th percentile)
Height: 25 1/4 inches long (70-90th percentile)

Looking a little drowsy but cute in a pink bow.

Proudly displaying her battle scars after her doctor's appointment.

Lounging in her bumbo.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Brian's 30th Birthday

Brian's parents and grandparents arrived on Thursday evening to celebrate Brian's 30th birthday and to spend time with Malina. Here is the birthday boy in and cake, I would say he enjoyed his day...

Brian's grandparents met Malina for the first time. I guess bare walls came in handy for this picture. We spent the weekend relaxing, playing games, and entertaining the baby. Malina was so happy to meet her great grandparents!

Malina and Grandma enjoying a couple minutes outside before heating up in the 100 degree temperature.

Malina is growing so quickly...we are anxious to hear what her measurements are at her four month doctor appointment. Still no teeth but we think they're coming soon...or at least hope they they are the reason she has been so crabby lately. Despite her fussiness she is just a darling. She has mastered rolling over on to her tummy, grabbing for objects, and is sleeping much better at night.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

Happy 4th of July! We celebrated the holiday with some friends and enjoyed some delicious bbq and beer.

Our little "American Beauty" is growing so quickly! She can roll over on to her stomach, makes all kinds of noises, and loves to grab at anything in sight.

Malina enjoyed playing with Addison's looks like we need to invest in a Jumparoo...

Our family :)