Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Growth Spurt!

Last week Malina measured in at 30 in. long, which bumps her into the 75th percentile for height!  Her weight measured at a whopping 19.1 pounds, which puts her somewhere between the 10-25th percentile.  We play outside all day long...trying to enjoy the weather before it really heats up! 

Malina terrorizing Pumba...
They are surprisingly best buds...can never get both of them looking at me at the same time.

Playing in the mud

Favorite evening activity: playing with the dogs' water bowl

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday!!

The saying "Time flies when you're having fun" doesn't do this past year justice.  We celebrated Malina's first birthday for an entire weekend with family and friends.  Malina's grandparents, G'ma and G'pa Kuhn, drove in for the special weekend.  On her birthday she enjoyed pancakes for the first time, a visit to a nearby park, and dinner out at our favorite mexican joint.  The real party took place the following day as we invited friends over to celebrate with us.  Malina is so blessed to have such a loving family and such amazing friends, and we are so blessed to have Malina as our darling little girl.  Here are some pics from Malina's birthday weekend.

After trying to put the candle out with her fingers.


Intently reading a birthday card
Birthday dinner

First time eating cake!