Saturday, October 20, 2012

Summer 2012

It's been months since I've last posted so I will briefly recap our summer.  We had many visitors and enjoyed all of the help (with Malina) our family has so graciously given us.  Brian and I were able to get away for two long weekend vacations- one to San Diego, and the second to Denver for a wedding.  Malina enjoyed her time with grandparents and soaked up all of the attention. 

Malina is now 19 months old!  She has really "grown up" in the last couple months.  She talks nonstop at home; she is still extremely shy when we're around others.  She can spell her name and can count up to ten (though she skips from 2-6).  She loves to be thrown around by her Daddy and loves to dance with her Auntie Lynnie.  Unfortunately, we are already seeing signs of the terrible twos, as Malina throws little tantrums when she doesn't get her way.  A few pics from summer...

Swimming with Daddy

Splash pad fun

Swimming with Grandpa

Reading with auntie

Walks with Grandma

Checking out the scenery with Great Grandma

the girls
