Monday, January 28, 2013

oh BOY!

Ever since this little guy came into our lives (my belly) he has been trouble.  We can't be surprised, as trouble-making boys run on both sides of the family.  Brian was a handful as a child (and still is) and my brother Lou was a terror, I mean spirited child.

When the ultrasound technician announced that our little baby was a boy Brian and I smiled at each other with an "of course" glare.  18 weeks of brutal morning sickness could only come from our own little trouble maker.  Now that we've entered into a more peaceful time of pregnancy - 25 weeks along - the excitement of having a little boy has really hit us both.  We are grateful that Malina will have a brother to grow up with and we will get to experience life with a little boy.

A few pics from the past 25 weeks...

Malina sharing the good news with Daddy

8 weeks (baby brother) and 19 months (Malina)

19 weeks (baby boy) and 21 months (Malina) - right before "the pop"

20 weeks

20 weeks

The big sister
Had to share this one - I think my mom was the most excited about the news